Rebecca Hayter
yachting journalist, author
Please browse to buy books, read my blog or get in touch.
Sheila in the Wind
by Adrian Hayter (Dad)
A New Zealand sailing classic.
Sheila in the Wind is a story of the first solo voyage from England to New Zealand and a journey of the human spirit.
With an introduction by Rebecca Hayter
UK & Europe readers: available from
Storms Ahead
Rick Dodson: America's Cup champion to Paralympian
by Rebecca Hayter
Des Townson: a sailing legacy
by Brian Peet
A stunning, coffee table-style book of 344 pages, 244mm x 288mm,
with more than 200 photos and drawings.
What You Wish For
What You Wish For
One man's guide to life, death and alternative therapies
by Paul Blacklow and Rebecca Hayter
Oceans Alone
Chris Sayer's solo adventures on the high seas
by Rebecca Hayter
Secondhand Books
Free postage if bought with a copy of
Wild Seas to Greenland by Rebecca Hayter
The Year of the Quiet Sun
by Adrian Hayter
Adrian Hayter's book of his stint as leader of Scott Base, Antarctica in the wintering over party of 1964-5.
Only a few copies left, normal wear and tear.